Ophis Systems, LLC
A Texas Corporation.
Be aware that these features and benefits apply to the Ophis Personal Beta only.
Ophis V14 Beta 1
With the fourteenth iteration of the software now completed and demonstrated online. Ophis has gone from embryonic pen & paper spreadsheets and Excel improvements to an advanced program capable of performing thousands of operations per second.
Beta testing will better enable us to wrap the program around input specified for market use. Using beta results, we will be able to isolate improved types and provide sanitized input for collective predictions such as team sports that, involve many moving parts.
Ophis beta program details and benefits
This is the official public beta test of the Ophis event prediction software. Subscriptions are capped at 120 [our present saturation point with limited Ophis users]. A subscriber receives two benefits.
1. Each subscriber receives a maximum of 60 predictions, [as many as 12 dates per predictions request for the 180-day beta test]. This equates to only $10.00 per prediction request for beta testing. Each Submission will generate an Ophis output chart and an explanation for the predicted dates.
2. After the 180 day period all accumulated data from subscriber requests, and all operations run by the Ophis team will be analyzed. The software will be updated as needed and the app development phase will begin. Beta subscribers will receive 5 additional prediction requests (no addition donation required After any required Ophis upgrades have been completed.
How we got here
So far, Ophis has been developed through ‘sweat’ equity, research, programming, and encryption all personally funded. Subscriptions will enable increased performance, better hardware and hard-to-obtain real data from subscriber requests that will be used to improve the final product.
All cash expenditures for equipment or contract labor have come from our own pockets. We are not soliciting or considering investment opportunities at this time. Instead, we turn to friends like you for support as we move forward.
Ophis Limitations
1. Input dates can only be as far back as seven years, and projections can be made up to seven years in the future. The Ophis program was designed with this limitation to maximize processing power. Eventually, Ophis will realize expanded date-range parameters.
2. Pattern breaks occur as new developments transpire that are connected in some way to prior input/output dates. Ophis can be run again including the new event(s) to provide better output predictions.
3. GIGO: Garbage in, garbage out. As a relativity-based system, Ophis requires that all input dates provided for the program are connected in some way.